Notice of Privacy Practices
and Disclosed and How You Can Get Access to This Information
If you have any questions about this notice, 请联络本通告末尾所列的设施私隐主任.
Our Pledge Regarding Medical Information: We understand that your medical information is personal. We are committed to protecting your medical information. 您的私人医生可能对医生在医生办公室或诊所使用和披露您的医疗信息有不同的政策或通知.
本通知将说明本设施可能使用您的医疗信息和向本设施以外的其他人披露您的医疗信息的方式. The law requires the Facility to:
- 确保识别您身份的医疗信息保密;
- 告知您我们在您的医疗信息方面的法律责任和隐私惯例;
- Follow the terms of the Notice that is currently in effect; and
- Notify you if your medical information is affected by a breach.
Who Will Follow This Notice: 工厂及其所有场所和地点均应遵守本通知的条款. 以下人员也将遵守本通知的条款:
- 设施的所有员工、承包商、志愿者和其他代理(“授权人员”).
- 授权医疗保健专业人员在设施内将信息输入您的医疗记录.
- 设施的医务人员及其授权人员.
- 与本设施共享电子病历的医疗保健提供者也可以使用本通知(尽管他们可能有自己的通知), which they will follow).
本机构如何使用和披露您的医疗信息: 我们可能出于以下目的使用或与他人共享您的医疗信息:
- Treatment. 您的医疗信息可能被用于为您提供医疗或服务. This medical information may be disclosed to doctors, interns, nurses, technicians, volunteers, students, and others involved in your care at the Facility. 我们还可能与本设施以外的医疗保健提供者及其工作人员共享您的医疗信息. 我们还可能使用您的医疗信息与您联系,以提供预约提醒,或向您提供有关治疗方案或您可能感兴趣的其他健康相关福利和服务的信息.
For example: 为你治疗断腿的医生可能需要知道你是否患有糖尿病,因为糖尿病可能会减缓愈合过程. 医生可能需要告诉营养师有关糖尿病的情况,以便安排适当的膳食. 该机构的不同部门也可能共享您的医疗信息,以协调您的不同需求, such as prescriptions, lab work and x-rays. 本机构还可能向机构以外的人披露有关您的医疗信息,这些人可能在您离开本机构后参与您的医疗护理, such as family members, home health agencies, and others who provide services that are part of your care.
- Payment. 您的医疗信息可能会被使用和披露,以便对本机构提供的治疗和服务进行收费,并向您收取费用, your insurance company and/or a third party. Please note, 如果您的万博manbetx全站下载仅与您已向我们全额支付的医疗项目或服务有关,我们将遵从您的要求,不向您的保险公司披露您的万博manbetx全站下载.
例如:如果保险公司将负责报销您的护理费用, 健康计划或保险公司可能需要您在该设施接受手术的信息,以便他们可以支付手术费用. 信息也可以提供给帮助支付你的护理费用的人. 您的健康计划或保险公司也可能需要您将要接受的治疗的信息,以获得事先批准或确定他们是否会支付治疗费用.
- Health Care Operations. 您的医疗信息可能会被用于和披露,以促进日常设施运营. 这些使用和披露是必要的,以运行设施和监测我们的病人得到的护理质量. 我们也可能与为我们提供认证等服务的外部公司共享您的医疗信息, legal, computer or auditing services. 这些外部公司被称为“商业伙伴”,HIPAA要求它们为您的医疗信息保密.
For example: Your medical information may be:
- 评估我们的员工在照顾您时所提供的治疗和服务.
- 结合医院其他病人的情况,决定医院应该提供哪些额外的服务, what services are not needed, and whether certain new treatments are effective.
- Disclosed to doctors, nurses, technicians, 和设施的其他代理进行审查和学习.
- 出于教育目的,向医疗保健专业学生、实习生和住院医生披露.
- 与其他机构的信息相结合,比较我们的工作情况,看看我们可以在哪些方面改进所提供的护理和服务. 在这组医疗信息中识别您的信息可能会被删除,以便其他人可以在不知道特定患者是谁的情况下使用它来研究医疗保健和医疗保健服务.
- Participation in a Shared Electronic Medical Record. 该机构与社区中的其他医疗保健提供者共享电子病历. 我们这样做是为了让您的医疗保健提供者更容易获得您的万博manbetx全站下载,并提高您的护理质量. 如果您想要参与共享医疗记录的医疗保健提供者的列表, please contact the Facility Privacy Officer.
- Facility Directory Information. If the Facility utilizes a Patient Directory, 系统会询问你是否愿意加入病人名录. 只提供有限的信息,包括您的房间号和一般情况.g.好、良善、公平、贫穷,都必显给指名求你的人. If you provide a religious affiliation, 除非你反对,它只能提供给神职人员.
- Private Accreditation Organizations. 您的医疗信息可能用于满足本设施的要求,以满足联合委员会等私人设施认证组织的指导方针, NCQA, etc.
- Participation in Health Information Exchanges. 我们可能参与一个或多个万博manbetx全站下载交换(HIEs),并可能以电子方式共享您的万博manbetx全站下载以进行治疗, 与HIE中的其他参与者一起支付和允许的医疗保健操作目的, 包括可能不在本通知第一页“谁将遵循本通知”下列出的实体. Depending on State law requirements, 您可能会被要求“选择加入”,以便与我们分享您的信息, 或者你也可以选择“退出”参与HIE. HIEs允许您的医疗保健提供者有效地访问您的医疗信息,这些信息是治疗您和其他合法目的所必需的. 除非HIE符合HIPAA的隐私和安全要求,否则我们不会与HIE分享您的信息.
- Individuals Involved in Your Care. We may share your medical information with a family member, guardian or other individuals involved in your care, or who helps pay for your care. In addition, 您的医疗信息可能会披露给协助救灾工作的实体,以便通知您的家人您的病情, status, and location. 如果您反对以这种方式分享您的医疗信息, 请联络本通知末尾所列的设施私隐主任.
- Research. Under certain circumstances, 您的医疗信息可能会被用于研究目的. 所有涉及患者医疗信息的研究项目必须通过特殊的审查程序获得批准,以保护患者的隐私.
研究人员可能只有通过特殊审查过程才能获得识别您的信息, or with your written permission. In addition, 研究人员可以联系患者,了解他们是否有兴趣参加某些研究. 研究人员只有在通过特殊审查程序获得批准后才能与您联系. 只有在您同意并签署同意书的情况下,您才会成为其中一个研究项目的一部分.
- Marketing or Sale of Health Information. 出于营销目的使用和披露您的医疗信息或出售您的医疗信息,大多数情况下都需要您的书面许可. We may communicate with you about our own products or services.
- Appointment Reminders. 您的医疗信息可能会被用于与您联系,以提醒您在本机构接受治疗或医疗护理的预约.
- Treatment Alternatives. 您的医疗信息可能会被用来告诉您或推荐您可能感兴趣的治疗方案或替代方案.
- Health-Related Benefits and Services. 您的医疗信息可能被用来告诉您您可能感兴趣的与健康相关的福利或服务.
- As Required by Law. 当联邦政府要求我们披露您的医疗信息时,我们将予以披露, state, or local authorities, laws, rules and/or regulations.
- Lawsuits and Disputes. If you are involved in a lawsuit or a dispute, 您的医疗信息可能会因法院或行政命令而被披露, subpoena, discovery request, or other lawful process by someone else involved in the dispute.
- Law Enforcement. 根据法律授权或要求,您的医疗信息可能会被发布给执法部门.
For example, we may release your information:
- 响应法院命令、传票、手令、传票或类似程序;
- 查明或找到嫌疑犯、逃犯、重要证人或失踪人员;
- About the victim of a crime if, under certain limited circumstances, we are unable to obtain the victim's agreement;
- About a death we believe may be the result of criminal conduct;
- To Prevent a Serious Threat to Health or Safety. 我们可能会在必要时使用或共享您的医疗信息,以防止对您的健康和安全以及公众或其他人的健康和安全构成严重威胁. 然而,只有能够帮助防止威胁的人才会披露这些信息.
- Health Oversight Activities. 我们可能会为法律授权的活动向健康监督机构披露您的医疗信息. 这些监督活动包括,例如,审计、调查、检查和许可. 这些活动对于政府监督卫生保健系统是必要的, government programs, and compliance with civil rights laws.
- Organ and Tissue Donation. If you are an organ or tissue donor, 您的医疗信息可能会被发布给器官采购或器官管理机构, eye and tissue transplantation or to an organ donation bank, 为促进器官或组织捐赠和移植所必需.
- Military and Veterans. If you are a member of the armed forces, 您的医疗信息可能会根据军事指挥当局的要求予以公布. If you are a member of the foreign military personnel, 您的医疗信息可能会被公布给适当的外国军事当局.
- National Security and Intelligence Activities. 你的医疗信息将被公布给联邦情报部门, counterintelligence, and other national security activities authorized by law.
- Protective Services for the President and Others. 您的医疗信息可能会透露给授权的联邦官员,以便他们为总统提供保护, 其他授权人员或外国国家元首或进行特别调查.
- Workers' Compensation. If you seek treatment for a work-related illness or injury, 我们必须根据各州有关工人赔偿要求的具体法律提供充分的信息. 一旦满足特定州的要求并收到适当的书面请求, 只有与工作有关的疾病或伤害的记录可以被披露.
- Public Health Purposes. 我们可能会将您的医疗信息用于公共卫生活动,例如:
- To prevent or control disease, injury or disability;
- To report births and deaths;
- To report child abuse or neglect;
- To report reactions to medications or problems with products;
- To notify people of recalls of products they may be using;
- 通知可能已接触某种疾病或可能有感染或传播某种疾病或病症风险的人;
- 如果我们认为病人是虐待的受害者,通知相应的政府部门, neglect or domestic violence. 只有在您同意或法律要求或授权的情况下,我们才会披露此信息.
- Coroners, Medical Examiners, and Funeral Directors. 你的医疗信息可能会被公布给验尸官或法医. 这可能是必要的,例如,识别死者或确定死亡原因. 如有必要,我们亦会向殡仪承办人公布病人的医疗资料,以协助他们履行职责.
- Inmates. 如果你是惩教机构的囚犯或被执法人员拘留, 我们可能会向惩教机构或执法人员公布您的医疗信息. This release would be necessary for the following reasons:
- For the institution to provide you with health care;
- To protect the health and safety of you and others;
- For the safety and security of the correctional institution.
- Information with Special Protection: HIPAA provides additional protection for psychotherapy notes, 大多数心理治疗记录的使用或披露都需要你的书面许可. 心理治疗笔记是心理健康专业人员关于私人或团体咨询会议的个人笔记. In addition, 其他类型的信息可能受到联邦或州法律的更大保护, such as certain drug and alcohol information, HIV/AIDS and other communicable disease information, genetic information, mental health information, or information about developmental disabilities. For this type of information, we may be required to get your written permission before disclosing it to others; we may seek that permission in the Facility's Condition of Admission form if permitted by law. 如果您对此有任何疑问,请联系本通知末尾的设施隐私官.
- Other Uses and Disclosures: 如果本机构希望出于本通知中未讨论的目的使用或披露您的医疗信息, the Facility will ask for your written permission. If you give your permission to the Facility, you may revoke (take back) that permission at any time, 除非我们已经获得您的许可才使用或披露该信息. If you want to revoke your permission, 请以书面通知本通知末尾所列的私隐主任.
Your Rights Regarding Your Medical Information: 您对您的医疗信息享有以下权利:
- Right to Request Access to Your Medical Information. With certain exceptions, 您有权查看并获得您的医疗信息的副本,这些信息可能会被用来决定您的护理. 要查看或获取您的医疗信息的副本,您必须提交书面请求. If you request a paper copy of your information, we may charge a fee for the cost of copying, mailing or other supplies associated with your request. There is no fee to see your medical information.
- Right to Request an Amendment of Your Medical Information. 如果您认为我们提供的有关您的医疗信息不正确或不完整, you may ask us to amend the information. To request an amendment, you must submit a written request. 请具体说明您认为不正确或不完整的信息.
- Right to a List of Disclosures. 您有权索取我们为治疗以外的目的而披露您的医疗信息的清单, payment and health care operations. The first list you request will be free. For additional lists that you request within a 12-month period, we may charge you for the costs of providing the list. 我们会提前通知您费用,以便您选择是否拿到清单.
- 要求限制如何使用或披露您的医疗信息的权利. 您有权要求我们改变使用或披露您的医疗信息的方式, payment or health care operations. To request restrictions, you must make your request in writing. In your request, you must tell us:
- What information you want to limit;
- Whether you want to limit our use, disclosure or both;
- 你希望这些限制适用于谁,例如,向你的配偶披露.
We are not required to agree to your request, 除非您支付了您获得的服务的全部到期金额,否则我们不会与您的健康保险公司共享您的医疗信息(除非法律要求我们与您的健康保险公司共享信息)。.
- Right to Request Confidential Communication. 您有权要求我们以您认为更为保密的某种方式或地点与您沟通. For example: You can ask that we only contact you at work or by mail. 如需保密通信,您必须以书面形式提出请求. We will not ask you the reason for your request. We will accommodate all reasonable requests. Your request must specify how or where you wish to be contacted.
- Right to Be Notified of Breach. 如果我们发现您未受保护的万博manbetx全站下载遭到泄露,我们将通知您.
- Right to a Paper Copy of This Notice. You have the right to a copy of this notice. You may ask us to give you a copy at any time. Even if you have agreed to receive this notice electronically, you are still entitled to a paper copy of this notice.
- Changes To This Notice. 我们保留更改本通知的权利,并对我们已经掌握的有关您的医疗信息以及我们将来收到的任何信息有效. 工厂将发布通知的最新副本,并注明生效日期. In addition, each time you register at, or are admitted to, 医院作为住院病人或门诊病人提供治疗或保健服务的设施, we will offer you a copy of the current notice in effect.
- Complaints. You will not be penalized for filing a complaint. If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, 你可以向该机构或卫生与公众服务部部长投诉. 有些州可能允许你向州检察长提出申诉, 消费者事务办公室或适用州法律规定的其他州机构. To file a complaint with the facility, 以书面形式向设施的私隐办公室提交投诉.
Effective Date: October 16, 2016
本供应商遵守适用的联邦民权法律,不存在种族歧视, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
ATTENTION: If you do not speak English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call (205) 971-1000 (TTY: 800-548-2546)
Notice of Non-Discrimination